Unique Farm Tours — Ripples n Tonic

Morning Farm Tour

Each day at approximately 8.30 am farm management prepare food for the animals to eat for guests to use during the morning farm tour that starts each day at 9.00 am.

Accommodation guests have the exclusive opportunity to participate in feeding the animals each day between 9.00 am and 10.00 am when they stay at Ripples n Tonic farm. Farmstay guests are informed to meet at the main shed where food is prepared then at 9.00 am the tour commences.

Guests have the opportunity to sit inside an 8 seater electric vehicle / buggy to witness the event or they can walk or stroll alongside. Children require parental accompaniment throughout the tour.

Our Animals

During the tour, guests can expect to feed ponies, pigs, chickens, sheep, cows and goats and depending on the time of year, there will be calves, lambs, kid goats and piglets.

There are also free ranging Guinea-pigs and lots of native animals to the Island such as Purple Hens, Cape Barren Geese, ducks and wallabies as well as Magpies, Ravens and other bird life.

Throughout the tour the guests receive free instruction and education from a member of Ripples n Tonic management team who will be conducting the farm tour and they will also be facilitating the actual hand-feeding opportunities and interactions with all of the farm animals, which includes collecting eggs (seasonal) and many photo opportunities.

Depending on the time of year, guests will be able to actually cuddle baby goat kids, lambs, Guinea pigs and other farm animals.

Learn From Nature

Throughout the farm tour, there will be opportunities to learn about horticulture and sustainable farming practices.

Accommodation guests will also have the opportunity to explore our vegetable / edible gardens and fruit tree orchards at their leisure.