Sustainable Farm Stay — Ripples n Tonic

Minimal Impact on the Environment

At Ripples n Tonic we strive to conserve and respect the natural area whilst improving the visitor experience in a manner that supports conservation efforts and the natural habitat. We work in harmony with the environment, minimising use of fossil fuels, conserving local plants and wildlife, and blending with the natural and cultural environment.

We strive to have minimal impact on the environment and nature through our practices.

Regenerative tourism is what we are practising and we are always working toward leaving the property in a better place to where we began on this business journey.

At Ripples n Tonic we have an electric vehicle fleet which we power up using solar energy during the day. Our vehicles are quiet and thus not disturbing to the animals and guests as they move around the property.

Regenerative Tourism and Permiculture

We harness rainwater and use this extensively across the property. Each cottage and building has tanks.

We regularly plant and back fill shelterbelts to enhance the property, thus providing shade, shelter and habitat.

We value community partnerships and work together with some local businesses to repurpose their food waste to animal feed. This enables minimisation of landfill and a varied diet for our furry friends. The animals enjoy the varied diet and it gives us an opportunity to tell the guests all about recycling and the principles of regenerative tourism and permaculture.


We love composting and this is an integral component to the overall farm dynamic. We collect food and coffee scraps from local partner community businesses which feed the bins. We also compost guest leftovers and any unwanted greenery and garden matter from within the property itself. The compost gets used to feed the garden and grow food that can be fed to the animals - the animal manure gets fed back into the compost and the cycle continues endlessly.

Composting and sustainability is discussed as we undertake the daily morning animal feed tour. This feed tour is not only a chance to interact and get close to the animals, it is a fabulous opportunity to learn about ecosystems, permaculture practices, regeneration and how to be more sustainable and in tune with nature and how to create a better harmony between people, animals and nature.

Tree Planting

At Ripples n Tonic, we are committed to reducing our environmental impact and helping our guests do the same. One way we do this is by offering a tree planting program. When you choose for us to plant a tree on your behalf, you are helping to offset the carbon emissions produced during your stay. You may also like to plant a tree yourself during your farm stay.

In addition to absorbing carbon dioxide, trees also provide a number of other environmental benefits. They help to clean the air and water, reduce soil erosion, and provide habitat for wildlife.

When you choose to plant a tree with us, you are investing in a sustainable future. We plant the trees in areas where they will have the greatest impact on reducing carbon emissions and improving the environment.

Here are some of the ways that planting trees helps to lower carbon emissions and combat climate change:

  • Trees absorb carbon dioxide from the atmosphere during photosynthesis. This carbon is then stored in the tree’s wood and leaves. Over the lifetime of a tree, it can absorb hundreds of kilograms of carbon dioxide

  • Trees release oxygen into the atmosphere, which helps to clean the air and improve air quality

  • Trees help to reduce water pollution by filtering rainwater and runoff

  • Trees help to cool the planet. Trees provide shade and release water vapour into the air, which helps to lower temperatures

  • Trees help to prevent soil erosion. Trees hold soil in place with their roots, which helps to prevent it from being washed away by rain or wind.

  • Trees provide habitat for wildlife. Trees provide food and shelter for a variety of animals, including birds, insects and mammals.

By planting trees, we can help to create a more sustainable future for all and make a positive difference in the fight against the detrimental impacts of climate change.. We encourage you to consider purchasing the planting of a tree for your upcoming stay with us at Ripples n Tonic. It is a small investment that can make a big difference for future generations.